Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Presidental Candidate Quiz

If you are like me, you don't know much about politics. I see all of the news on the '08 election but I don't really pay attention to any of it. (I should, I know.) I found something that might help as I go about choosing a candidate; it's an online quiz that helps you find out where a candidate stands on the issues. Of course, it doesn't tell you WHO to vote for but after answering a series of questions, you are shown a list of the candidates and how well you "match" with them. I thought it was very interesting and a good start to your research if, like me, you have done no research at all. :)

You can take the quiz here.

1 comment:

Cherish the Home said...


I wanted to stop by and wish you and your husband a very Happy Thanksgiving!
