Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring Cleaning Update and Dying Appliances

I'm still here! I've been cleaning this past week but I took the weekend off to spend time with Keith, since right now he is averaging about an 80-85 hr. workweek. :(

On Saturday while he was working on our paper shredder**, I did manage to clean the dining room. That was pretty simple since the only piece of furniture in there is my grandmother's china cabinet! I dusted that really well, cleaned the windows inside and out, and wiped down the sockets/light switches. All that is left is to vacuum the room really well.

Today's plan is the living room. I won't be able to do everything today since I am not able to move a lot of the furniture in order to sweep and vacuum under it. (Bad backs run in my family, so I'm very careful.) I'm hoping that Keith can help me with that at some point this week.

**Yes, Keith killed our paper shredder this weekend! He tried to fix it, but, alas, couldn't. We went to Staples and found a great deal on a lightweight shredder. The regular price was $29.99, with a $10 instant rebate and a $10 mail-in rebate. It will end up costing us only $9.99! We were thrilled.

So...Keith and I are even in the appliance-killing department this hand-mixer died on Friday and it was all my fault. I thought I had the whisks all the way in and started mixing. No, one of them was loose. It rattled against the groves you insert the whisks in and--you guessed it--broke one of them beyond repair. So, now I'm about to look online for a new one at a good price. If you have any suggestions on prices, brands, or good deals, please let me know!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring Cleaning Update #1

Yesterday was my toughest day. I tackled the kitchen!! Oh, my, that was a long, hard job. (And there was still much left that I could have done!) But the reward was a sparkling kitchen. After I get the whole house clean at least on the surface, I intend to go back and clean what's "behind closed doors" like cabinets, the pantry, etc. I have to take things in small doses; I get very overwhelmed pretty easily.

Today was a much slower day as I didn't feel very well. So I've just done some straightening up in the bedroom and living room. I intend to get a good night's sleep tonight and clean those two rooms tomorrow!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring Cleaning Kick-Off!

Well, this Wednesday (the 21st) is the official first day of spring. Spring is one of my two favorite seasons (the other being fall). I thought I'd celebrate by giving our home a good old-fashioned spring cleaning. I didn't get as far as I intended today, but I did get the master bath done. smelled so good! Cleaning a bathroom can be time-consuming but I do love the results!

I'll keep you all updated on what I accomplish each day!