Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Busy Day!

This day has been full! I've had laundry and cleaning to do, plus we are participating in our neighborhood garage sale on the 28th, which means a lot of decluttering! The medicine I'm on either leaves me with a headache or the "blahs", so getting things done has been a challenge. Not to mention, I've been very clumsy today! I don't know why; sometimes I just have days like that. I hit my funny bone on the wall while putting laundry away. Ouch! It's still sore!

In the midst of all of this, my heart has been so saddened by all that is going on at Virginia Tech. Keith is a VT alumni and we spent yesterday in shock over this tragedy. I can't imagine the pain and despair these parents and other family members are feeling. I do pray that the Lord will comfort them in His own special way.

Well, break time is over! The floors need sweeping...

If I'm MIA for a few days, don't be surprised. I really want to get as much in this garage sale as possible to bring in some extra (but much needed!) money, so that will require less computer time. :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Some Silly, Random Things About Me

Per Mrs. B's request in her post, here's my list. It's not much, but I'm short on time. I'll add more as they come to mind.

*I have to have Chapstick on my lips before bed. Otherwise, I can't sleep and have to get up and put some on.

*If I don't write something down on a list to be done, it doesn't get done. I hardly ever remember something to do unless it's written down.

*I love raw cookie dough or cake batter. (I know...raw eggs and all of that! But I still love it!)

*I talk to my mom at least once a day on the phone.

*I talk to Keith at least 3 times a day while he's at work.

*I don't like "squishy" foods because of the way they feel in my mouth when I'm chewing. Especially mushrooms or cucumbers.

That's all I can think of for now! This was fun!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"...yet I will rejoice in the Lord..."

I've read and prayed through many verses as we have gone through this time of infertility but Habakkuk 3:17-18 has been the one that God has used to do the most work in my heart.

"Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation." (KJV)

In other words, no matter what happens, I will rejoice in the Lord. Wait a minute, Lord. You mean, if You never open my womb, if I never feel a baby grow and kick inside me, if I never hear the word "Mama" directed to me, I'm supposed to rejoice in You?

That's what it says.

I have visited various infertility websites and message boards and a lot of what I have read involves a feeling of entitlement. "I deserve a baby...why can't I have one?" I have struggled with this myself. But the truth is, I'm not deserving of anything but Hell. I desire the gift of pregnancy, children, and motherhood but the Lord has already given me the best gift He could ever give. He reached down, touched my heart, and saved me from my sin. I will forever live with Him because of His wonderful gift of salvation.

I do not think it's wrong of me to want children. On the contrary, I believe that desire was firmly planted in my heart by the Lord Himself, even before He saved me. I believe, in His own time, He will give me that desire of my heart.

But if I am wrong? Then I am wrong. I am still commanded to "rejoice". On days like today when I struggle with feeling defeated, I wonder how I can ever rejoice in the empty arms I have been given today. That's when I have to look at the next verse:

"The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places." Habakkuk 3:19 (KJV)

I can't do it in my own strength and energy. I can only allow God to work through me and lift me up, causing me to rejoice.

On a medical note, this was our first cycle of fertility drugs. I thought and prayed hard about this and Keith and I feel peace about pursuing this path. This will be our first and last medical intervention. If, after 4 cycles of drugs, I am not pregnant, we will not pursue any more treatments. Anything further involves a lot of issues that we consider to be "playing God" and, even if we felt comfortable about them, we simply can't afford them. So, every day, I'm just praying that God will give me peace and that His will be done in our lives.

WFMW: My Spice Drawer

Until last week, my spices took up the top shelf of my (very small) pantry. This was hard for me because I'm very short (4'9") so I'd have to stand on my tip-toes and reach into the dark pantry, hoping to grab the right spice. I think, on average, I pulled out about 8 spices before I picked the right one! Not only was this frustrating because the spices were unorganized, it wasted valuable time in the kitchen. So I came up with a solution. I arranged the spices in one of my kitchen drawers. This is so much easier! The spices are all there, where I can see them at first glance, they are in alphabetical order so I don't have to search and search for the right one.
It works for me...beautifully!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Clean House (almost!)

This morning I've been busy cleaning the master bathroom (it sure needed it!) and dusting. I'm taking a break and am about to sweep, mop, and vacuum. Cleaning isn't my favorite thing to do (especially the bathrooms!) but I love the way a clean house feels and smells. It's instantly relaxing. I love to light a candle and just sit for a minute and breathe in the "clean-ness", don't you?

Saturday, April 07, 2007

I'm still here...

Yes, I'm still around. I do have the best of intentions when it comes to my blog, but here's my problem: I have nothing to write about (in my opinion). My days are pretty much the same. I take care of our home, I have no cutesy kid stories to tell you (yet! Maybe one day soon!), my family isn't close by so I can't write about seeing any of them. I just don't feel that I'm giving this blog justice. What do you all think? Do you want to see pieces of my everyday life or just wait until I have actually have something to write about that's exciting? lol I welcome any comments/complaints!